Parish Planned Giving

“Tell them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, ready to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18-19

Most of the resources on this Planned Giving site are directed to individuals who are considering stewardship and legacy gifts through bequests, IRA distributions, securities donations, etc.

In this section we provide resources for parishes, schools, ministries, and other groups to encourage planned giving by their members. You can find these resources by following the links below.

Contact the Office of Stewardship & Development with any questions at (816) 714-2396 or email Theresa Schuman.

Processing Planned Gifts

General Planned Giving (Parish) Packet

Parish TOOLKIT Handling IRA Donations

Parish TOOLKIT Handling Securities Donations

Parish Planned Giving Communications

Potential Bulletin Half Page Inserts (Word document download)

Potential Planned Giving Bulletin Blurbs (Word document download)

Additional Possible Bulletin Announcements (Word document download)

*Please note, neither the ICSC website or its content are managed by the Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph

Planned Giving Education

Parish TOOLKIT Presenting Estate & Life Planning Seminars

Handouts for Planned Giving/Estate Planning Seminars
+ A Parishioner’s Guide to Planned Gifts
+ Powers of Attorney (Financial/Health Care) Considerations
+ Missouri Bishop’s Guide to End of Life Decisions in English y en Español.

Other Resources

Memorial Gifts

Loyalty, Badge of Planned Giving

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph