Pastoral Care Committee

The Pastoral Care Committee (PCC) was established in 1997 as a result of the Task Force for the Diocesan Millennium Study. The purpose of the Committee is to address and coordinate the ministry of pastoral care to the sick and suffering in the parishes of the diocese.

“Pastoral Care provides support to meet spiritual, social and emotional needs of parishioners and those within the parish boundaries. Pastoral Care Coordinators work collaboratively with their pastors to responsibly care for parishioners.”–Cathy J. Weidmaier

Committee Members:
Deacon Rich Akins
Fr. Bryan Amthor
Hilda Beck
Shelli Lange
Deacon Mike Lewis
Esmerelda Lopez
Deacon Mike McLean, Chairman
Cecilia Richardson
Rev. Charles N. Rowe, Vicar General
–Members of the Committee are volunteers. The Committee is responsible to the Bishop.

Key activities of the Committee include:

  • Identify and encourage standards for pastoral care ministry.
  • Develop and/or identify an educational program/periodic training for parish staff involved in pastoral care ministry.
  • Plan for one Day of Reflection (November) for parish ministers and staff.
  • Serve as a resource and support for parishes who are responsible for Catholic pastoral care ministry.
  • Provide resources for various pastoral care needs-spiritual directors, counselors, and other essential elements.

Upcoming Event:

Day for Parish Staffs:

Coming Together in Communion
October 17, 2024 – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
St. James Catholic Church, Liberty

Fr. Ron Will, CPPS, will co-present with Dennis Coday and Vicki Otto on the theme of Coming Together in Communion, with an emphasis on depolarization. Bishop James Johnston will preside at Mass to conclude the day’s event.

All parish staff members in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph are invited to attend. Registration forms will be sent to all parishes in late summer. Breakfast hors d’oeuvres and a full lunch will be served.

©2024 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph