Make a One-Time Donation or Set Up a Pledge
“Sharing the Joy of the Gospel”
To Make a 2024-2025 ACA One-Time Gift Donation using a Credit or Debit Card/Bank Account, click the button below:
2024-2025 ACA One-Time Donation
To setup a 2024-2025 ACA NEW PLEDGE (10 equal monthly installments starting January 2025 through October 2025) using your Credit or Debit Card/Bank Account, click the button below:
Set Up a 2024-2025 ACA New Pledge
To make a Planned Gift whether benefiting the 2024-2025 Annual Catholic Appeal or at particular parish, school, or ministry please use the forms included below:
*Please note that we will not know where to allocate your received planned gifts without these completed supporting documents
To make a 2024-2025 ACA PLEDGE PAYMENT using your Credit or Debit Card/Bank Account, click the button below:
To make a Pledge Payment on (2024) Annual Catholic Appeal, “Giving in Love,” click on the button below: