The Charter

In response to the crisis of the sexual abuse of children by clergy in the Catholic Church, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops drafted a landmark document in Dallas, Texas at its 2002 summer assembly. This document, setting forth their agreed upon responsibilities in combating the problem, was entitled the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People

Promise To Protect. Pledge to Heal.

In the Charter, the bishops recommit themselves to victims, survivors and their families, and to each other, in order to ensure –to the best of their abilities — that sexual abuse of minors within the Church will never happen again.

A comprehensive set of procedures to address allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy, the Charter includes guidelines for reconciliation,
healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse.

The Charter directs action in the following matters:

  • Creation of a safe environment for children and young people
  • Healing and reconciliation for victims and survivors
  • Prompt and effective response to allegations of abuse
  • Cooperation with civil authorities
  • Disciplining of offenders
  • Providing for future accountability by establishing a national Office of
    Child and Youth Protection
  • Prevention of abuse

Child Protection Infographic (Fact Sheet)

The Charter-Did You Know… (Fact Sheet)

2020 CYP Annual Report Summary

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph