Safe Environment Coordinators
Safe Environment Coordinators (SECs) serve a very important role in the parishes and schools of our diocese. Each SEC works in partnership with the Office of Child and Youth Protection (OCYP). This position is designated by the Pastor to coordinate the implementation of parish and/or school compliance requirements designed to keep minors and vulnerable adults safe at their location(s).
SECs have a thorough understanding of safe environment policies and procedures and the associated expectations for recordkeeping and reporting to document compliance. The SEC communicates the importance of a safe environment and models behaviors that support the Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal.
Some of the key functions of SECs include:
- Providing oversight of the Pre-K through Adult safe environment training requirements and the delivery of the diocesan-approved safety curriculum
- Monitoring diocesan employee and volunteer compliance with safe environment policies and procedures, including commitment to our code of conduct policy, Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Code of Conduct Policy, background checks every 5 years, and compliance with Protecting God’s Children for Adults® training requirements
- Working regularly with the VIRTUS® database to ensure accurate recordkeeping, to monitor compliance, and to assist employees and volunteers with questions or issues related to its use
- Submitting the required audit information to the OCYP by designated deadlines
- Providing oversight of safe environment communication
- Understanding the requirements for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and following established diocesan procedures