Activating Our Baptism

At-Home Retreat to conclude the Holy Year of Renewal: January 5-11, 2020

En Español

All the faithful of our diocese are invited to participate in an online retreat to conclude our Diocesan Holy Year of Renewal. The retreat is free and includes daily scripture readings and a brief video reflection meditating on the meaning of our baptism and the diocesan priority “Growing God’s Family.”

The entire retreat is now available.

Bishop Johnston on Epiphany and the purpose of the Retreat – Day 1 / Día 1

Marc Cardaronella, Baptism Makes Us Children of God – Day 2

Leyden Rovelo-Krull, The Gift of Salvation – Day 3

Sr. Colette Marie Jaros, The Grace of Baptism: The Theological Virtues – Day 4

Fr. Justin Hoye, Jesus’ Mission: to Proclaim Liberty to the Captives – Day 5

Fr. Paul Turner, In Jesus, the Lord Offers Something More – Day 6

Dino Durando, Sharing the Good News – Day 7

It may be used in the home by individuals and families. Faith sharing groups may also find it fruitful to consider one or more of the themes as a group.

Each day of the retreat will have the following elements.

  1. Link to the scripture readings for the Mass of that day. (USCCB)
  2. Short video reflection on a topic related to the Mass readings and the theme for each day. (5-10 minutes)
  3. Short consideration (invitation to action) and questions for prayerful reflection.
  4. Prayer

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph