Activating Our Baptism: Day 7

Saturday after Epiphany, January 11

Jesus came to bring life and light to His people… Sharing the Good News

1 John 5:14-21

Psalm 149 “The Lord takes delight in his people.”

John 3:22-30

Video Meditation – Dino Durando, Director of the Office of the Domestic Church and Discipleship

Questions for Reflection

  1. The grace and meaning of our baptism include the call to share our faith with others in a missionary way. This is the call to live as missionary disciples.  How are you living out this missionary dimension of your own baptism already?  How might you live it more intentionally?
  2. Who has the Lord put in your life who may be ready to hear about God the Father’s love for them? How might you reach out to them with an invitation?

Actions to consider

Take the time to listen to someone you know who may be going through something difficult or experiencing a challenge in their life.  Pray for this person and follow up with him or her.  Speak to someone you know about Jesus when they are ready to hear about God the Father’s love.

As you say the Creed this Sunday, consider how our public profession of faith in the Liturgy includes this mission to share our faith with others.

Prayer for the Holy Year of Renewal

Eternal Father, who created and redeemed your holy people, we turn to you in this time of renewal, seeking healing and restoration in Christ.

Holy Spirit, inspire us as we discern ways to make the priorities of the Mutually Shared  Vision our own.
Help us to put the many gifts we have received from you at the service of your mission to “make disciples of all nations.”

Increase in us a desire to live our baptismal call, to be salt and light in the world, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.

United by faith and made your children through baptism, we ask for the grace to live as One Family: Restored in Christ – Equipped for Mission.

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph