Activating Our Baptism: Day 5
Thursday after Epiphany, January 9
Jesus’ Mission: to Proclaim Liberty to the Captives… The Good News
Video Meditation – Fr. Justin Hoye, Pastor St. Thomas More, Vicar for Priests
Questions for Reflection
- Prayerfully consider whether there are any ways that you are currently held in some form of bondage. Are there any areas of your life where you can ask the Lord Jesus for greater freedom?
- What would you be able to do with greater freedom? What good could God do through you for the sake of others?
- People who live in the freedom of Christ may be noticed by others because freedom is an uncommon and desired attribute. What would you say if someone asked you a question like, “why are you so happy,” or “what makes you different from other people?”
Actions to consider
Find greater freedom by going to the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. You might also ask Jesus for the specific grace of freedom from any bad habits and, if there is something chronic in your life like an addiction or serious mental health need, seek help from a professional.
Prayer for the Holy Year of Renewal
Eternal Father, who created and redeemed your holy people, we turn to you in this time of renewal, seeking healing and restoration in Christ.
Holy Spirit, inspire us as we discern ways to make the priorities of the Mutually Shared Vision our own.
Help us to put the many gifts we have received from you at the service of your mission to “make disciples of all nations.”
Increase in us a desire to live our baptismal call, to be salt and light in the world, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.
United by faith and made your children through baptism, we ask for the grace to live as One Family: Restored in Christ – Equipped for Mission.