Activating Our Baptism: Day 3
Tuesday after Epiphany, January 7
The Gift of Salvation
Video Meditation – Leyden Rovelo-Krull, Director of the Office of Hispanic Ministry
Questions for Reflection
- Can you recall some ways that God has provided for your needs in difficult circumstances?
- Are there ways that God may be calling you to be a collaborator with Jesus in the work of redemption by providing for those in need and proclaiming his mercy?
- This week as our Church observes National Migration Week, take time to reflect on the ways that migrants and refugees depend upon God’s providence as they face the challenges of settling in a new country. Are there concrete ways that you can help them through prayer, volunteer work, or befriending someone newly arrived in America?
Actions to consider
Consider making a short list of people (whom you know personally) in need of physical and spiritual help and do something to respond.
Prayer for the Holy Year of Renewal
Eternal Father, who created and redeemed your holy people, we turn to you in this time of renewal, seeking healing and restoration in Christ.
Holy Spirit, inspire us as we discern ways to make the priorities of the Mutually Shared Vision our own.
Help us to put the many gifts we have received from you at the service of your mission to “make disciples of all nations.”
Increase in us a desire to live our baptismal call, to be salt and light in the world, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.
United by faith and made your children through baptism, we ask for the grace to live as One Family: Restored in Christ – Equipped for Mission.