Facilities, Real Estate & Construction Management
The Facilities & Real Estate Management Office provides consultative services to parishes and schools related to the maintenance and care of buildings and properties, and oversees all leases of parish, school and other Diocesan Property. Consultative services also include addressing various safety and environmental issues, including asbestos.
The Diocesan Construction Management Office and Diocesan Building Commission are involved in new construction and major renovation projects. (New construction and major renovation projects are those that a) are greater than $150,000 and b) require the design/planning expertise of an architect, engineer or other professional.) The Office and Commission oversee the design and construction phases, including contract administration responsibilities. Both are charged with protecting the interests of the parishes, schools and the Diocese.
Diocesan Building Commission Members
Deacon Michael Lewis (Chairman)
Bob Drake
Bill Gagnon
John Giacomo
Bernard Jacquinot
Angela Laville
Thomas Strahan
Rev. Paul Turner
Matt Berislavich
Tim Saxe
Chris Hotop