Seminarian Roster

Rev. Mr. Ethan Osborn

Home Parish: Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph

Year: Vocational Synthesis Stage

Seminary: Kenrick – Glennon Seminary

Birthday: March 16

Mr. Dan Stump

Home Parish: St. Therese Parish, North

Year: Configuration IV

Seminary: Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Birthday: April 26

Mr. Xavier Schmidt

Home Parish: St. Therese Parish, North

Year: Pastoral Year

Birthday: July 7th

Mr. Jacob Knott

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Configuration II

Seminary: Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

Birthdate: March 3


Mr. Nicholas Jones

Home Parish: Our Lady of Good Counsel

Year: Configuration I

Seminary: Kenrick – Glennon Seminary

Birthday: December 13


Mr. Samuel Ousley

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Configuration I

Seminary: Kenrick – Glennon Seminary

Birthday: July 19th

Mr. Braeden Connelly

Home Parish: Our Lady of Good Counsel

Year:  Discipleship III

Seminary:  St. Gregory the Great Seminary

Birthday:  September 24

Mr. Gabriel Sappington

Home Parish: Our Lady of Lourdes

Year: Discipleship III

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: January 10

Mr. Eric Wachira

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Discipleship III

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: December 19

Mr. Brett Zagar

Home Parish: St. Robert Bellarmine

Year: Discipleship III

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: April 19

Mr. Mark Roper

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Discipleship II

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: July 2


Mr. Caleb Stoner

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Discipleship II

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: January 11


Mr. Weston Warner

St. Patrick's, Holden

Year: Discipleship II

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: February 24


Mr. Ezra Mwaura

Home Parish: St. Andrew the Apostle

Year: Discipleship I

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: Nov 29


Mr. Jack Oxley

Home Parish: Christ the King

Year: Discipleship I

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: Sept 29


Mr. Orion Radford

Home Parish: St. John LaLande

Year: Discipleship I

Seminary: Conception Seminary

Birthday: July 15


Mr. Nathan Gentry

Home Parish: St. Mark the Evangelist

Year:  Propaedeutic Stage

Seminary:  Conception Seminary

Birthday:  April 27

Mr. Peter Gould

Home Parish: Holy Spirit

Year:  Propaedeutic Stage

Seminary:  Conception Seminary

Birthday:  August 10


According to the sixth edition of The Program of Priestly Formation (PPF), there are four stages of formation for the Roman Catholic priesthood: the Propaedeutic Stage, the Discipleship Stage, the Configuration Stage, and the Vocational Synthesis stage.

Propaedeutic Stage

The propaedeutic stage of formation serves simultaneously as a period of transition to priestly formation and as a foundation for this formation. Given that a “significant imbalance” (PPF, 119) is present between the lifestyle that one typically experiences today and the environment in which priestly formation ought to take place, a period of transition is needed wherein a student develops “a life of prayer, study, fraternity, and appropriate docility to formation” (PPF, 120).

Discipleship Stage

The discipleship stage corresponds to the philosophical component of a seminarian’s intellectual formation. Just as one cannot begin theological studies without sufficient grounding in theology, so one cannot commit one’s life to the Church without growing in the virtues and without developing a “life of meditation and contemplation” (PPF 132).

Configuration Stage

Having built a foundation of Christian character and philosophical acumen, the seminarian advances to the configuration stage, which corresponds to the theological portion of his intellectual formation. In addition to learning theology, which itself will aid him in his growth in his spiritual life, he will also focus on learning how to “[model] his life on the self-donation of Jesus Christ, Shepherd and Servant, as he prepares more immediately for Holy Orders.”

Vocational Synthesis Stage

The vocational synthesis stage is one of transition, where a man who has recently finished his seminary education begins a life of ministry, typically in a parish setting. As this stage of formation takes place outside of the seminary, the primary formator of a candidate at this stage is typically a priest in a parish, who models the priesthood for the candidate and helps him adjust to parish life.

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