
 “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come, follow Me.” Matthew 19:21

The Missions Office exists as an extension of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and raises awareness of the Church’s missionary works by connecting missionaries in the field with parishioners in the pew.

The main work of the office in this diocese is the Missionary Plan of Cooperation, helping missionary societies solicit funds for mission efforts and appeal for vocations to their religious communities. Hosting parishes have an opportunity to hear and build rapport with missionary Catholics from around the world and take part in their work through donations.

The Office also serves as a point of contact for those interested in volunteer mission work, or in donating to mission causes or disaster relief. Other activities of the office include promoting World Mission Sunday (held on the third Sunday of October each year) to remind the Church of her missionary commitment and take up funds for the Pontifical Missions.

If you are interested in aiding the work of the missions, email the office director Fr. Charles Rowe or secretary Tara Harris.

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph