EIM Code of Conduct Policy & Communications with Youth Policy
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Catholic Church is to share the Good News of God’s love, salvation and mercy with all people. Church personnel and volunteers must, at all times, be aware of the responsibilities that accompany their work or volunteer efforts.
Recent years continue to remind us to remain vigilant and not complacent within our child and youth protection efforts and abuse prevention endeavors. With this update of our Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Code of Conduct Policy, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph recommits itself to high standards of behavior for our Church personnel and volunteers by implementing and enforcing policies designed to protect minors, vulnerable persons and all persons of good will.
Likewise, advances in technology have increased the means of communicating with others. Our updated Digital, Online and Social Media Communications with Youth Policy, for those who serve within the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, makes each of us aware of the impact one’s words and actions can have in bringing people closer to God or in becoming a detriment to our mission of faith. These behaviors apply to all interactions, whether face to face or remotely through the use of technology.
Through these two updated policies, we emphasize how vital it is daily for all who minister in the Church to establish and maintain healthy relationships as well as appropriate boundaries with those whom we serve. Aware that our faith calls us to uphold each person’s dignity and respect for the common good of society, it remains my hope that these newly revised policies will bring those who represent the Catholic Church in Kansas City-St. Joseph to an ongoing heightened awareness of vigilance and consistently maintaining professional and moral relationships with all those to whom they minister.
I am grateful to all of the clergy, religious, employees, and volunteers serving within our parishes, schools, and other institutions who have dedicated so much time and effort to ensuring that our safe environment outreach continues to be a core value. I thank all who thoughtfully reviewed these policies and offered their suggestions to strengthen them.
As of December 12, 2019, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I hereby promulgate these two policies as particular law for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
+ Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr.
Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph
- PDF: Promulgation Letter / Carta de Promulgación (en Inglés)
- PDF: Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Code of Conduct Policy (Word Doc Version)
- PDF: Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio (EIM) Política de Código de Conducta (Versión del documento de Word)
- Digital, Online and Social Media Communications with Youth Policy (Word Doc Version)
- Communicación de Medios Digitales, en Línea y Sociales: Políticas y principios para aquellos que sirven a los jóvenes (Versión del documento de Word)