Holy Year of Renewal
“Be transformed by the renewal of [our minds],” that we “may prove what is the will of God” (cf. Romans 12:2)
This special, graced time has given us many opportunities to reflect together on the Priorities and how they can benefit us as a diocese.
Each month our celebration has focused on various themes from the Mutually Shared Vision. There have been events throughout the year to bring us together as One Family, as well as suggestions for concrete actions of ways to mark the year with prayer and service.
The dates chosen to begin and end this year of spiritual renewal are significant. Ash Wednesday marked the start of Lent, a season for spiritual renewal. It was a time to turn to the Lord and seek his healing mercy. Every journey of authentic spiritual renewal begins with our acknowledgement of our need for God’s help and our desire to be restored in Christ. For this reason, our diocese offered a Lenten program, The Light Is On For You to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation more accessible.
Holy Year of Renewal Prayer Card
Holy Year of Renewal Calendar
Ash Wednesday 2019 – Baptism of the Lord 2020
January 2020
Theme: Revisit Mutually Shared Vision, part 3 – Equipped for Mission
January 12: Conclude the Holy Year
January 5-11, 2020: 7 day at home retreat (online videos coming): ‘Activating our Baptism’
Past Months
March (Theme: One Family: Restored in Christ – Equipped for Mission)
- The Light Is On For You (throughout Lent)
- Pier Prayer Resources(throughout Lent)
- March 19 +Feast of St. Joseph: Veneration of the Relic of the Heart of St. Jean Marie Vianney
- March 29 through March 30: 24 Hours for the Lord (adoration + confessions)
April (Theme: Healing Our Family)
- The Light Is On For You (Throughout Lent)
- Pier Prayer Resources(throughout Lent)
- April 26: Annual Day of Prayer for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse
- April 28: Diocesan Shrine Celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday
May (Theme: Growing God’s Family)
- May 15: Veneration of the Relic of St. Pio of Pietrelcina
June (Theme: Restored in Christ)
- Feast of Corpus Christi – Eucharistic processions
- June 23: Co-Diocesan Corpus Christi Procession
- June 1-9: Pentecost Novena
July (Theme: Value of going on retreat and attending youth camp – Why establish a retreat/camp?)
August (Theme: What does it mean to be a disciple? – Growing God’s Family)
September (Theme: What are Charisms? How can they be discerned?)
- September 14: 1st Annual ‘In His Presence’ Eucharistic Conference
October (Theme: Using Resources Wisely – Identifying Gifts we have received from God and Using them for the mission of Jesus)
- October 26: Month of the Holy Rosary-Procession & Mass in honor of Mary, Queen and Mother of Mercy
Theme: Revisit Mutually Shared Vision, part 1 – One Family
Theme: Revisit Mutually Shared Vision, part 2 – Restored in Christ
December 9: Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Renewal of Diocesan Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Patronal Mass
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception: (416 W 12th St, Kansas City, Mo.)
12:15 p.m. Mass, Bishop Johnston presiding. Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, moved from Dec. 8 due to Second Sunday of Advent.