
Make time for St. Joseph

Wednesdays Dedicated to St. Joseph

The Church’s liturgical tradition has assigned to different days of the week aspects of the faith or devotions for reflection. Sunday honors Christ’s Resurrection; Monday, the Holy Spirit and the souls in Purgatory; Tuesday, the Holy Angels; Thursday, the Blessed Sacrament and the Priesthood; Friday, Christ’s Passion and his Sacred Heart; Saturday, to Our Lady as she waited in joyful hope with the disciples on Holy Saturday for the Resurrection.

Wednesdays, the middle of the week, are dedicated to St. Joseph—a perfect time to reflect on and pray for the intercession of this saint who exemplified living a quiet life of virtue day in and day out.

March, the Month of St. Joseph

Similarly, the Church has a special emphasis to each month of the year. March is the month dedicated to St. Joseph, which also includes the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19.

©2025 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph