Diocese announces new deanery structure effective Sept. 1, 2024
Canon 374, §2: To foster pastoral care through common action, several neighboring parishes can be joined into special groups, such as vicariates forane.
After due consultation with the Presbyteral Council, and to foster pastoral care through common action, I, the undersigned Bishop of Kansas City – Saint Joseph, do hereby redefine the following deaneries:
I. Kansas City Central Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Kansas City Central Deanery, namely:
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City
Oratory of Old Saint Patrick, Kansas City
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kansas City
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Kansas City
Our Lady of Sorrows, Kansas City
Sacred Heart-Guadalupe, Kansas City
St. James, Kansas City
St. Francis Xavier, Kansas City
St. Monica, Kansas City
St. Therese Little Flower, Kansas City
Guardian Angels, Kansas City
Holy Cross, Kansas City
Holy Rosary, Kansas City
Our Lady of Peace, Kansas City
St. Anthony, Kansas City
Visitation, Kansas City
II. Kansas City South Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Kansas City South Deanery, namely:
St. Peter, Kansas City
St. Elizabeth, Kansas City
Christ the King, Kansas City
St. Thomas More, Kansas City
Coronation of Our Lady, Grandview
Church of the Holy Martyrs, Kansas City
St. John Francis Regis, Kansas City
St. Sabina, Belton
III. Kansas City Northland Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Kansas City Northland Deanery, namely:
St. Patrick, Kansas City
Holy Family, Kansas City
St. Charles Borromeo, Kansas City
St. Andrew the Apostle, Gladstone
St. Gabriel Archangel, Kansas City
St. Therese Little Flower, Parkville
St. James, Liberty
St. Ann, Plattsburg
St. Ann, Excelsior Springs
Church of the Good Shepherd, Smithville
Church of the Annunciation, Kearney
Twelve Apostles, Platte City
Holy Trinity, Weston
IV. Kansas City Eastern Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Kansas City Eastern Deanery, namely:
St. Bernadette, Kansas City
Nativity of Mary, Independence
St. Mark, Independence
St. Mary, Independence
St. John LaLande, Blue Springs
St. Robert Bellarmine, Blue Springs
St. Margaret of Scotland, Lee’s Summit
Holy Spirit, Lee’s Summit
Our Lady of the Presentation, Lee’s Summit
Church of Santa Fe, Buckner
St. Bridget, Pleasant Hill
V. Saint Joseph Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Saint Joseph Deanery, namely:
Cathedral of Saint Joseph, St. Joseph
St. Mary, St Joseph
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph
St. Rose of Lima, Savannah
St. Patrick, Forest City
St. Joseph, Easton
St. James, St. Joseph
St. Patrick, St. Joseph
St. Francis Xavier, St. Joseph
St. Columban, Chillicothe
St. Joseph, Trenton
Blessed Sacrament, Bethany
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Princeton
Mary Immaculate, Gallatin
Sacred Heart, Hamilton
St. Munchin, Cameron
St. Gregory Barbarigo, Maryville
St. Paul the Apostle, Tarkio
St. Peter, Stanberry
St. Patrick, Ford City
St. Columba, Conception Junction
St. Joseph, Parnell
VI. Southern and Rural Eastern Deanery
The parishes and all the presbyters living in any of the parishes listed below comprise the Southern and Rural Eastern Deanery, namely:
Our Lady of Lourdes, Harrisonville
Holy Trinity, Urich
St. Patrick, Holden
Sacred Heart, Warrensburg
Immaculate Conception, Montrose
Holy Rosary, Clinton
St. Bartholomew, Windsor
St. Catherine, Osceola
St. Patrick, Butler
St. Mary, Nevada
St. Bridget, Rich Hill
St. Mary, Higginsville
St. George, Odessa
St. Jude, Oak Grove
St. Mary, Carrollton
Sacred Heart, Norborne
Immaculate Conception, Lexington
Immaculate Conception, Richmond
The presbyters of these Deaneries are expected and strongly exhorted to meet regularly, undertake those tasks assigned to them, and join efforts together in those matters affecting their deanery. They are also to cooperate and collaborate with the diocesan bishop in the governance of the diocese according to the norm of law.
This Decree takes effect September 1, 2024.
Given at the chancery of the Diocese of Kansas City – Saint Joseph On this 28th day of August 2024.
Most Reverend James V. Johnston, Jr.
Bishop of Kansas City – St. Joseph
Very Reverend Kenneth A. Riley
Vicar General – Chancellor