Synod Interim Phase | Diocesan-wide listening sessions March 2

Following the meeting of the Synodal Assembly in November 2023, an interim phase has been requested to prepare for the discussion at the Second Session of the Synodal Assembly in October 2024. The goal of this interim phase is to enable us to continue the journey initiated by the Holy Father on October 9, 2021: For a Synodal Church. Communion, participation, mission. Read more from the General Secretariat of the Synod.

In this interim phase, each diocese is being asked to hold 2-3 new listening sessions focused on the following discussion questions:

1. Where have I seen or experienced successes—and distresses—within the Church’s structure(s)/organization/leadership/life that encourage or hinder the mission?

2. How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?

Input will be gathered at each session and delivered to the Diocesan Office of Communications to be incorporated into a 3-5 page synthesis of the discussions. The synthesis will be sent to the USCCB by April 8, 2024, and posted on the diocesan website.

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph will host two listening sessions on Saturday, March 2 from 9 – 11:30 a.m. There are two locations to choose from:

  • Visitation Parish | 5141 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64112
  • Holy Family Parish | 919 NE 96th St., Kansas City, MO 64155

There is no cost to attend, but all participants must register online.

Register to attend here:


Review reports from the earlier phases of the Synod from 2021-2023 at One Family | Journeying Together – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (

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