2018 Christmas Wish Lists for Schools & Charities

Christmas is the ‘season of giving’, the ultimate reason of which is to reflect on the greatest Gift of all: Christ.

Here’s a handy ‘Christmas Wish List’ of the Catholic schools and organizations who responded to our inquiry for what they need to help the people they serve…

Nativity of Mary School, Independence

  • New windows for 3 school classrooms–$1,000 per classroom

To donate, contact principal Mary Parrish at mparrish@nativityofmary.org or call (816) 353-0284, ext. 215

St. Gregory Barbarigo School, Maryville

  • Educational experience for all 4th, 5th and 6th grade students to attend ‘School of Economics’, a simulated multicultural neighborhood in which students portray immigrant shop owners and employees, as well as bankers, accountants and government officials, all to prepare them to be the consumers of tomorrow—$900 total
  • 3 Acer Chromebook 732 laptops with G-Suite licenses—$280 +$25 each
  • $500 to purchase Level 1 materials for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium

To donate, contact principal Susan Martin at smartin@stgregorysschool.org or call 660-582-2462

St. Mary School, Montrose

  • 5 Chromebooks—$190 each
  • 4 document cameras—$200 each
  • Art supplies and new books for the library

Donations of any kind are so appreciated; contact the office at (660) 693-4502

St. Regis Academy, Kansas City

  • Amazon gift cards, to purchase classroom, teacher and nursing supplies, as well as additional curriculum materials
  • White copy paper
  • A large standing mixer for the Early Childhood Center

Donate on the school website at www.regisacademy.org, or contact the school at rsowders@regisacademy.org or  (816) 763-5837

Bishop Sullivan Center (6435 Truman Road KCMO location)

  • Winter coats –$20-$40
  • Personal hygiene items—$4
  • Diapers and formula—$10-$40

To donate, call (816) 231-0984

Bishop Sullivan Center (3936 Troost Ave. KCMO location)

  • Personal hygiene items, especially soap, shampoo, deodorant and women’s hygiene items—$4

To donate, call (816) 561-8515

Bishop Sullivan Center (2220 Central Ave. KCK location)

  • Men’s and women’s winter coats—$20-$40
  • Gloves—$8
  • Hats—$6

To donate, call (916) 220-2480

Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph

  • $500 would supply formula for a month to feed four infants in poverty
  • $1,000 would keep four families warm for a month by paying their utility bill
  • $850 would provide a case manager a laptop to help participants search for a job, set and document their progress toward their goals.

Contact Susan Walker, Executive Dir. of Outreach &Engagement, 816-659-8218 or swalker@ccharities.com

FIRE Foundation

  • Apple gift cards
  • Best Buy gift cards
  • Amazon gift cards

To donate, contact hire@diocesekcsj.org or (816)756-1858 ext. 253

MAX Prison & Jail Ministry

  • Case of Catholic large print Bibles (10 bibles per case, 10-13 cases used per year)—$100 per case
  • Case of Catholic Study Bibles for imprisoned citizens (20 bibles per case, 20 cases used per year)—$100 per case
  • Rosary pamphlets, prayer booklets, and prayer card bookmarks (purchased in bulk)—$300

To donate, contact the Human Rights office at 20 W. 9th Street, Kansas City, Mo. 64105 or at (816) 714-2364.

Project Rachel – Project Joseph

  • Sponsor a retreatant for an Unfailing Mercy weekend retreat (facility, materials, food, etc.)—$125
  • Sponsor a retreatant for an Unfailing Mercy 1-day retreat (facility, materials, food, etc.)—$50
  • Books for further healing and spiritual growth for retreatants: 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in • Preparation for Consecration to Divine Mercy by Father Michael Gaitley –$14.95; and A Journey to Healing Through Divine Mercy by Theresa Bonopartis –$9.95

To donate, contact Project Rachel – Project Joseph, 20 W. 9th St., KCMo. 64105; projectrachel@diocesekcsj.org; or call (816) 591-3804.

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