U.S. Capitol Protests | Bishop Johnston’s Thoughts

“Increasingly, we see that public protests and demonstrations have been marked by alarming incidents of violence and anarchy, including this week at the Capitol in Washington. As Americans, we have a right to peaceful protest and it can be an important public and moral action. Violence and lawlessness undermines our civic discourse and deepens the divides already so evident in our nation, and must be condemned.  Our nation has many challenges and important problems that must be addressed with respect, good will and a seeking of truth and justice.  Christians are to be a leaven in society, taking part as citizens grounded in the truths of Faith, but also providing a witness through conduct and a support of prayer.  Conscious of this, I call upon our priests and people to include at this weekend’s Masses a prayer for healing for our nation.  Only with God’s grace and assistance can we begin to heal and unite as “one people, under God, with liberty and justice for all.”—Bishop James Johnston

Related: USCCB President Condemns Violent Protests & Prays for Safety as Chaos Threatens U.S. Capitol

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