Come Home to Communion

NOTE: There is new Come Home to Communion content related to the National Eucharistic Revival!

Welcome! We are glad you are here.

This is your one stop shop to accept your invitation to Come Home to Communion in the Catholic Church. If you are already participating in Mass each week, you’ll find helpful tools and information to invite friends and family to accompany you and experience the beauty and tradition that is our Catholic faith.

Read Bishop Johnston’s Letter

Read the Decree: Mass Obligation returns June 1, 2021

Get Started | Make a plan

Photo circa 2016

COVID-19 Vaccines

Explore the moral, ethical and medical considerations: watch videos here.

Is everyone invited to Come Home to Communion?

Communion can mean different things when we talk about the Catholic Mass. Communion is coming together in “community” with our parish and all who come to gather to share in the Eucharistic liturgy. It is the weekly family reunion when we gather around the table to share in the Lord’s Supper around an altar of sacrifice. All are welcome to be fully present in the Catholic Mass.

Holy Communion is the reception of the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Jesus Christ – for example, when young children make their First Communion, they receive the Body and Blood of Jesus for the first time. Catholics believe that the bread and wine are transubstantiated during the Eucharistic prayer – meaning they literally become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. This is a sacred experience, and it’s not appropriate for everyone to receive Holy Communion. It’s important to understand what the Catholic Church teaches about who should receive the body and blood of Christ during Mass. This teaching is not intended to exclude anyone, but to protect individuals from committing grave sin, and preserve the integrity of our belief about the Eucharist.

Read more on this teaching and how it relates to current social conversations in The ‘Who can receive Holy Communion’ ultimate explainer™ from The Pillar.

Read more FAQs

Why are we obligated to go to Mass on Sunday and holy days?

As we return to the normal Sunday Mass obligation, it is a time to reflect more deeply on the value of Sunday, why God made it and what it means in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Bishop Johnston wrote a pastoral letter on the subject in May 2020 for the faithful of this diocese.

Read Keeping the Lord’s Day: Pastoral Letter on the Importance of Sunday

What should I wear?

You’ve spent nearly a year watching Mass online in your jammies or yoga pants – time to dust off your Sunday best!

©2024 Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph